I can't believe I have let this poor little blog languish for so long! We've had a busy year. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Since we did our little raclette dinner for Switzerland, we've studied Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Russia, Poland, Japan, China, Korea, India, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, The UAE, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, Canada, Cuba and the US. Whew! It's been a whirl wind trip. Indy has loved it. He really likes learning about other people and how they live. He also really enjoys getting to sample the native foods.
His math skills are amazing. He's been doing 3rd grad math since Jan (including multiplication and division) and I think we'll be doing 4th grade math next year. Numbers seem to come fairly easily to him. Lucky duck.
His reading is, well, if not exactly on grade level, getting better. We discovered that he is dyslexic and are working the Davis method to help and we seem to be making progress. I'm looking into going to a Davis therapist (we have a consultation next week), but it will depend on the cost and if Tricare will cover it. Cross your fingers on that! He's trying so hard and is so proud of himself when he get something right. On the down side he gets so frustrated when he can't figure it out. It's heartbreaking to watch. I want so much to be able to help him, but there are some things I can't do.
We're still working hard. We will officially finish school next week, but will continue to work on reading and fun stuff during the summer. Our next school year, 3rd grade, (which I am about to lose my mind over) will start the first week of Aug, just after Indy turns 8. 8! How on earth is my baby already 8?
Living Math with Factors, Multiples, and Primes
8 years ago